Thursday, April 03, 2014

Room 1's Garden

I like gardening.  Today it was super fun planting the seedlings that we liked.  There was silverbeet and celery for eating in our sandwiches.  We will water them.  It was super fun planting them.  At morning tea we will use the hose to water the seedlings.
Written by Hunter

Today we planted some plants.  My favourite plant is the rainbow silverbeet.  It was drizzling.  I like planting plants.  We planted seedlings that were small.  We have got a lemon tree.  I have done lots of gardening at home.
Written by Sadie

Wow.  We did gardening.  We planted rainbow silverbeet and celery.  I like carrots.  I got a turn to plant my own plant.  I dug a hole for the plant to grow.  I planted a gigantic celery plant.  
Written by Benji

What's your favourite vegetable?


  1. I love to eat carrots. I can't wait to see our carrots pop up through the soil. I wonder how many will germinate?

  2. I like sweet corn more than other veges. I don't like pretty much any vege except for corn. I think that one of the most disgusting vege for me so far is broccoli. Ewww!

  3. I like how you are all working together.
