Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Gooey, Slimy, Slippery Slugs in Room 1's Garden

Today we worked on adding 'wow' words to our writing to describe the slugs and our garden.  Can you spot some?

 Oh, we have some gooey, slimy slippery slugs in Room 1’s garden.  Yuck.  Mrs Blakesley put some slug bait out otherwise they will gobble the seedlings.  At my house there are a lot of snails and slugs.  They look fat.

Written by Sadie

 Ewwy Gooey slimy slugs are yuck.  Some are fat and some are skinny.  Some can eat the plants all up.  Mrs Blakesley sprinkled snail bait around the garden.  Snails and slugs come out in the morning when no one is at school.  They might come out from the yummy strawberries.  They sneak into the garden.  Room 1 went outside yesterday.  I am going to go outside today to check the seedlings. 

Written by Maia

 Oh the slugs and snails are eating and hiding in our garden.  They are slimy and they are munching and eating plants.

Written by Jerome

Look at the slimy spew.  The slugs will eat the leaves.  Room 1 saved the day because we put the slug bait on the dirt. 

Written by Isaac 

Ooh yuck.  There are slimy slugs and snails in our garden everywhere.  They are munching and crunching and eating our vegetables but…we put slug bait so we could make them die because we didn’t want them to eat our vegetables.

Written by Marcus

Wow.  What slithery, slimy slugs but unfortunately I hate slugs because they eat our vegetables so we had to sprinkle out the slug bait.

Written by Finley


  1. Ew, Yuck! Slugs are disgusting, Room 1!

  2. awesome stories room 1 sounds like you are all enjoying your garden- great work
